Cutest. Dog. Ever.
I love this photo. It's from the April
Yankees Magazine article, and shows Bubba, his wife Julie, and their boxer. What an awesome dog.
I thought Bubba's fiancee was a blonde; not sure if she changed her hair color, or if he ended up marrying someone else. They're a lovely couple, anyway.
I had occasionally wondered how Bubba's family business was doing. I read a lot of news stories, and have seen many articles about how landscaping companies are struggling due to the high cost of fuel. (They use a lot of it, for their tractors, weed whackers, blowers, trimmers, etc.) It sounds like Coastal Spray has a lot oil refineries as clients. That's a heck of a way to hedge against high fuel prices!
Bubba sounds a lot like my dad when he's talking about pests. My dad is in the pest control business as well, though more in the agricultural/academic end of it. (He's got a Ph.D in weed science. Seriously.)
Happy 35th, Bubba.
Thirty-five is still so young - even by baseball standards, many players are still playing at that age. But it sounds like he's content with his decision to retire from baseball, and happy with his new life. That puts him ahead of the game. As the YES announcers were saying the other day, baseball careers almost always don't end well - even for big name stars like Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada.
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