All Things Bubba

Because how can you not love a baseball player named "Bubba"?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Opening Day

The Reds-Brewers game was easily the most dramatic of opening day. The fangraph is one of the wildest I've ever seen. From almost certain defeat to glorious victory in one swing of the bat.

It was catcher Ramon Hernandez with the three-run walkoff homer. Paul Janish was on deck, and fans were discussing whether he should be pinch-hit for, when Hernandez made the question moot. (Though I still wonder if Dusty would have let Janish bat.)

Janish had a fine opening day, going 2 for 4. He's batting .500!

John Fay had this article about Janish the other day. Nothing earth-shaking, but the comments are amusing. Everything from doubting Dusty will really give Janish a fair shot to calls for Cozart to play instead to the theory that Janish is actually afraid to hit well because Ryan Freel kicked him in the face during the celebration after his first big league hit (a walkoff single).

Then there's this. The Columbus Dispatch goes down the Reds lineup by position...and lists Renteria as the starting shortstop and Janish as the backup. Jeez Louise. And people wonder why newspapers are dying.


posted by BubbaFan, 11:26 PM


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