All Things Bubba

Because how can you not love a baseball player named "Bubba"?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bill James Hearts Paul Janish

C. Trent Rosecrans has a two-part interview with Bill James. Part 1 here, and part 2 is here. James has some nice things to say about our favorite slugging shortstop, Paul Janish.

CTR: I saw in your book, the Reds weren't very high in your "young talent meter" however, most of the Reds' top players are young and their hope lies mostly in young players.

BJ: Votto should score well in our system, but the guys Hanigan and Janish - even though I absolutely love Paul Janish - they don't score highly on the young talent meter because they haven't yet proven they can play every day on the Major League level.

CTR: What about Janish do you like?

BJ: Defense. He's going to be a guy that probably doesn't hit .260, but I don't think he's going to make a lot of outs, either. I think he'll be all right in the strike zone. I think he's going to be one of the best defensive shortstops in the next couple of years.

CTR: A lot of people, myself included, weren't completely sold on the Cabrera signing because of Janish's defense.

BJ: I'm certain the Reds have good reason for what they're doing, but yes, I do think Janish is a player who has a good future in front of him, given the opportunity to play.

"Given the opportunity" being the key words...


posted by BubbaFan, 3:47 PM


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