The Times has a cute story about Reds rookies Daryl Thompson, Jay Bruce, and Paul Janish getting lost on the subway.
Actually, Thompson had bigger trouble earlier, hours before the game. He and two other rookies, Jay Bruce and Paul Janish, left their Midtown hotel and decided to take the subway to Yankee Stadium. But they got on the wrong train and ended up in Brooklyn instead of the Bronx.
“I had a big old bag and I was going to ride the bus,” Thompson said, “but they said I could ride with them. They said, ‘We’re rookies, let’s take the subway and get there ahead of the bus.’ ”
After about 30 minutes, they realized they were going the wrong way.
“Janish was in charge at first,” Thompson said. “Bruce ended up asking a lady, and she told him which way we needed to go. He got us back on the right track.”
But the train was crowded, and Thompson had to stand for most of the way. That made him tired. “The last 5 or 10 minutes, I was able to sit down,” Thompson said.
They arrived at the stadium shortly before 11 a.m. for a game that began at 1:08 p.m. “The guys in the clubhouse gave me stuff for trying to follow those guys because they didn’t know what they were doing,” Thompson said. “Bad impression.”
I can relate. I got lost on the subway my first time in NY. I was there for a job interview, and they gave me instructions on how to take the subway to their office.
Like the Reds rookies, I got on going the wrong way. I was supposed to take the 7 train from Grand Central to Queens, and instead ended up in Times Square. I finally figured out I had to get onto the platform on the other side of the tracks to get the right train, but ended up half an hour late to my interview. Probably anywhere else in the country, that would mean I had no chance of getting the job. Not so in NYC. They're so used to traffic and other delays there that half an hour late is considered on-time. The guy interviewing me didn't even notice I was late. He offered me the job on the spot.
Of course, I was a country hick, from a town where there was only one traffic light, and no public transportation. You'd think a guy like Janish, from a big city like Houston, would be a little more savvy. Especially now, when all the subways have those electronic maps that light up to show you where the train is, and where it's going.
Janish did have a nice day at the office today. He got his first hit in over a week, and made a spectacular defensive play.
But his days as starting shortstop are probably numbered.
John Fay reports that Jeff Keppinger is rejoining the team. Don't know what the roster move will be.
Once again, Andy Phillips did not get into the game at all. I hope he gets to play tomorrow, even if it's only as a pinch-hitter. Come on, Dusty. Give the fans a chance to see him.
Labels: Paul Janish