Bubba Links
Baseball Links
Because how can you not love a baseball player named "Bubba"?
This isn't exactly a surprise. I wasn't expecting Torre to be the Yankees manager next season, unless they win the World Series. And even then, it's questionable. I get the feeling that Cashman is calling the shots, a lot more than previously. But now Steinbrenner has laid it on the line:
The Boss to Torre: Win or else
"His job is on the line," the Yankees' owner said in a phone interview. "I think we're paying him a lot of money. He's the highest-paid manager in baseball, so I don't think we'd take him back if we don't win this series."
"I think we'll re-sign him," Steinbrenner said of Rodriguez. "I think he's going to have a good run the rest of the [postseason]. I think he realizes New York is the place to be, the place to play. A lot of this [postseason] is laying on his shoulders, you know, but I think he's up to it."