All Things Bubba

Because how can you not love a baseball player named "Bubba"?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thank you

Wow. I'm surprised and delighted at the number of people who have visited the Web site, signed the guestbook, and sent me nice e-mails. Thanks! I wasn't expecting that large a response, it being the off-season, not to mention the time of year when everyone's running around like a maniac. Nice to know that Bubba has so many fans.

And special thanks to those who pointed out typos and other errors. It's a good thing I'm not a copy editor, because I'd starve to death.

Assorted randomness...

Anthony might be a new fan. I came across his blog a few weeks ago, when he wrote a really funny story about playing MVP Baseball with his brother. Turns out that Anthony, though a New Yorker, is in Houston. A grad student at Rice, no less. I told him that was Bubba's alma mater, and that he'd been a big star there. He hadn't known that, and said he might buy a Bubba jersey to wear to Rice baseball games. Being a Mets fan, he despises the Yankees, and would never buy a Yankees jersey, but he might get a Reds one.

I know, I know, he's probably just humoring the Bubba groupie. But hey, small world, ain't it?

Redsfest is tomorrow. The weather was dreadful across the center of the country today, causing all kinds of airport delays, but hopefully everything will be cleared up tomorrow. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. They will be doing a live radio broadcast from Redsfest on Saturday; dunno if it will available on the Web, but it might be.

And speaking of fun...check out these Posters for the Unmotivated. A couple of Reds bloggers got together and made one for every team in the league. Hilarious.

posted by BubbaFan, 7:06 PM



Thanks for the blog-plug. And don't worry, I'll be wearing that jersey when the season starts ;)

commented by Blogger AC, December 01, 2006 1:09 PM  
Hi, Anthony. Welcome!

But shouldn't you be studying? Or at least practicing MVP Baseball. ;-)
commented by Blogger BubbaFan, December 01, 2006 6:38 PM  

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